
Saturday 15 October 2016

New Beginnings

Image c/o Ali Gordon

Its been a very wet and autumnal morning. Its Saturday and its the first time I have sat down to write a blog post in what feels like forever. I started my day by drinking a smoothie cuddling on the sofa with Harper which I haven't been able to do in I don't know how long. Recently life has become very hectic. Continuous readers of my blog will have noticed it has been very quite on here for some time now. So I think it is about time we sit down and have a little chat. Filling you all in on this whirlwind I have endured. 

Looking back over this past year there has been many changes in my life some challenging and some so incredible rewarding I sometimes have to pinch  myself  to realize that this is real life. The real preparation started during summer time where my blog  sat on the back burning. Of course it wasn't completely neglected just the actual writing part and then September came and this is when my life got turned upside down in the best way possible. 

My blog Bella and Vogue is almost two years old now and I could never imagine my life without it. Even as I write this I have the biggest smile on my face. It brings me such happiness. In ways you will never know. The more I work on my blog and the more I put into it has given me the most amazing opportunities some I thought I would only dream about. Some are still top secret and others you will find out about over the next few weeks as I will be returning to full time blogging as we speak. 

Which brings me onto my next life update. The first week of September brought an other stepping stone into my life. I moved away from home to one of my favourite cities in Ireland. That is of course Galway. Growing up I could never imagine myself living there. I always thought it was too close to home and that it wouldn't feel like I had really left. But as I have gotten older I just couldn't get enough of the cities charm and at Christmas its magical. The people are so friendly here and I have settled in really well. 

I have wanted to move to Galway for probably over a year now but the timing was never just right until this year when an opportunity arose that I just couldn't say no to. As most of you know I am a qualified Beauty and Complementary Therapist and have been working in the industry since I was 21. I have worked in numerous places and feel that I have gained as much as experience as I can working in salons/spas and been my own boss but what I really want to do is grow my career in both blogging and business. So I decided to step back and think about my options. 

This is probably one of the hardest decisions I had to make but thankfully so far so good it has really worked in my favor and has opened so many more doors for me. I toyed with the idea of returning to college to gain a degree in business for some time but wondered if it was the right option for me. In the end I decided to just go for it. I had nothing to lose and if I decided down the road it wasn't for me I could always defer the year and move on. I thought it was better to take the chance now than regret it in the future. I did a lot of research and applied for a number of business courses in Galway but the one that stood out to me the most was a Bachelor of Business in Market and Sales. I was in the middle of a press event talking to Courtney Smith when I spotted the email landing into my inbox offering me the course. I had the cheesiest grin on my face for the entire event and this proved to me how much I really wanted the course. I am now over a month in and I couldn't be happier. 

Its hard to get my head around how much my life has changed in such a short space of time but I am so excited to bring you all on this journey with me. I am so grateful for all of your support and thank you for staying around! 

Until next time...

Yours stylishly

Kerrie x 

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