Wednesday 30 September 2015

#WerkItWednesday How to set and achieve a goal

Hi Everybody! 

Can you believe that tomorrow is the 1st of October? September went so fast don't you think?  By this stage everyone will be settled back into school or college or for some just getting back into work. Two weeks ago I posted my first #WerkItWednesday post which went down a treat and really related to a lot of people. I think that no matter what career or stage of life you are in, we all want to do the very best we can to better ourselves. I love reading business blogs and feel that I learn so much from them. Since we are starting a new month tomorrow I thought it would be a good idea to set some goals and see how much we can achieve. 

1. What goal do you really want to achieve? 

What do you really want? What goal do you want to achieve? Is it a personal goal such as being more confident? Is it a health goal such as losing weight? Or is it career or business related such as getting that promotion reaching a target or launching a new product? Decide what you want and write it down. If you are unsure of what you want look for inspiration in magazines, online or on Pinterest

2. Create it! 

Now that you have decided what you want to achieve write it down in a notebook or a dairy, or make a vision board and place the list there too. Surround it with images of what ever it is that you want and look at the list daily Take it in every detail. Set a time frame for achieving that goal. 

3. Baby steps. 

Now that you have created your list or vision board. Start deciding how you are going to make those dreams a reality step by step. What do you need to change about what you are doing or how you are behaving in order to achieve that goal. If you want to lose ten pounds but are stuffing you face with chocolate all day everyday you are not going to lose weight so what must change. Take baby steps, this week cut out chocolate and start walking next week join a gym. Be realistic and really think about what you need to do.

4. Work your booty off! 

If you are really serious about achieving your goal you are going to have to work for it. It wont just happen without hard work and dedication. No one successful got to where they are today without putting in the hours. They have done what ever it takes in order to make it happen. They've worked early mornings, late nights, traveled and have never stopped learning. 

5. Being positive is key! 

Believe in yourself and believe you can make your dreams happen. Do what makes you happy, visualize your goals as if you have already achieved them. Surround yourself with like minded and good people. Stay grounded! Just do it! 

What are your goals for October? 

Until next time...

Your stylishly 

Kerrie x 


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