Tuesday 4 August 2015

Fit & Fabulous Series | Week 8

Hi Guys! 

I hope you are having a fabulous Tuesday. I am so excited about this week. We have officially met the 2 month mark so you know what that means its time to go full speed ahead and put everything you've got into it. 

This week I am really focusing on my strength and fitness level. I will be attending classes every day for the rest of this week since I took yesterday and Sunday off. Does anybody else crave working out when they've missed a few days? I know for sure that I do! Tomorrow I will attend a kettle bell class, on Thursday I will attend circuits on Friday I will attend stretch and core. On Saturday I am hoping to attend an other circuit class but I might be going to Dublin for the Mayo match so I will miss class but if I do I will workout at home or go for a run. I still haven't started my ab and squat challenge again so I want to start them again too as well as the push up challenge. Does anyone else find push ups incredibly hard? I do, so this week I really want to build up my strength on them too. 

I want to clean up my diet again. Is it just me or does the bank holiday really mess you up? Anyway enough slacking its time to get back onto it. I also need to increase my water intake again.My skin is so dry and I feel so dehydrated! So I will be drinking 2/3 liters of water and eating cleaner than I have ever done before! :P  

In the mornings I will do some daily stretches and go for a 5k walk or the Fat Burning Treadmill Workout from the girls at Tone It Up I mentioned this workout before in one of my previous fitness posts. I love doing it first thing in the morning. It only takes 20 minutes, really wakes you up and energizes you for the day ahead. I always feel like I can attack the day with a positive mindset and enthusiasm when I start my day this way. Last night I wrote a post about how fitness effects your mental health. I know from my own personal experience that it absolutely does. If you miss it you can check it out here 

So guys there you have it my 'Fit & Fabulous Series | Week 8!' I am so glad you are enjoying the series so far and delighted that you are contacting me asking for advice and sending me requests. I was so happy to hear from you and happy to help you out in any way I can! 

Until next time...

Yours stylishly 

Kerrie Anne x 

Bella and Vogue 


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