Wednesday 30 December 2015

Lessons Learned in 2015

As 2015 is coming to an end and we are winding down after Christmas it is always very therapeutic to look back over all the ups and downs the year had in store for us and what lessons we learnt throughout. It really is amazing how much can change in a year and this year more than any I feel like I have really grown as a person and have learnt so much along the way. On St. Stevens night or Boxing Day as it is know as in the UK. I met up with my best friends from secondary school for our annual Christmas night out. I think it had been a full year since we were all out together and I think it is crazy how much we have all changed and how much we've grown. It was lovely to meet up with everyone and we had such a good night filled with fun and laughter. Laughter is the best medicine especially with loved ones which brings me on to my lessons learnt in 2015. 

1. Appreciate your loved ones
At the end of the day family and friends are all we have. That is so important to remember. Those are the people who are going to love and support you no matter what happens in life and what choices you make. They will always have your back. Focus on quality not quantity. It is more important to have one really good honest friend then 10 fakes ones. 

2. Happiness is a choice
I have just finished the book 'The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind' and there is a full chapter dedicated to happiness. People are always searching for happiness by buying items, or coming out with statements like "I would be so happy only I don't have the money." Or "I would be happy if I had my dream job". All these outer things wont make you happy. Its down to you. You have to wake up every morning and decide to be happy and that is how it happens! 

3. Confidence is key 
In order to be successful you need to be confident. Growing up I was always really shy and quiet. Even when I finished college and started working I didn't have confidence in myself. This really effected me as I let other members of staff and employers walk all over me. I knew I had to change something. I took a step back and began to really focus on myself and my mindset and this has changed me for the better. Confidence isn't about looks, money or a job. Its knowing you mind and making peace with yourself. 

4. Believe in yourself
Believe in yourself because you are amazing. Right now you have the power to do anything you want to. You literally have the world and your fingertips once you have that self confidence and belief you can achieve anything you want in you life. Al you have to do is get off you bum and do it! 

5. Forgive & Let go 
If you've had a fight with your sibling or a friend or had a boss that treated you badly, forgive them and forget about what ever was causing the upset. I know at the time when circumstance happen they may seem like the world is going to end but really it isn't and it's never as bad as it seems. Thinking about what happened is only effected you and know one else so let it go and you can move on with your happy life. 

6. Always be yourself 
This is your strongest power because no one in the entire world will ever be like you so embrace it. If we were all the same life would be really boring so go out the and shine! 

7. Put yourself out there
What I mean by this is don't be afraid to try something new, maybe its a job you've been eyeing up in a certain company and its suddenly become vacant. Maybe its a new hobby, or joining a gym or starting a new business venture. Just go for it. Lives to short to wonder what if! 

8. Don't take no for an answer 
If you want something go get it. Don't stop until you have it or  have achieved it. Don't listen to naysayers telling you it can't be done. Hustle harder then they ever will and you will have everything they've never had. 

9. Gratitude changes everything 
Gratitude is the only way to bring more into you life. Start each day being grateful to be alive and breathing and watch the magic appear in your life. 

10. Do not criticize others
Do not criticize others for everyone is fighting a battle. Be kind always. 

11. Do what you love 
Life is to short to waste it doing something that you absolutely hate. I learnt this the hard way but has probably taught a vital lesson in life. If you are not happy make a change. That's what I did and I haven't looked back! 

12. Give as much as you can
I am not talking about giving away your wages or anything but maybe when you see a school or a charity looking for support give them something. There is always someone worse off then you and they will be so grateful for the help. 

13. You can't make everyone happy
As I mentioned above we are all individuals. We all have our own tastes in music, in food, in colours so you can't make everyone happy all of the time. When you except that and move on you will be happy so at least you can do that!

14. Dream big 
Set your goals high. The higher the better. Write them down and look at them daily. Do something everyday to bring you closer to your dreams. Last year I did a blog post on My New Years Resolutions. I didn't look at them every day but I reviewed them a few times throughout the year. I looked back on the today after not looking at them for a few months, I was surprised that I achieved all of them except for going to Paris. But I wont to London instead!

15. Work hard 
If you want to achieve anything in life you are going to have to work for it. Be that building your business, losing weight or even being a better person. Nothing worth having comes easy so work hard every single day, persevere and belief in yourself and your dreams will come true...

2015 has been some year which sometimes felt like there were more downs then ups but without the downs I would not be the strong person I am today and for that I would not change a single thing. It really does show you how one year can change your entire life. I really hope you enjoyed this post as much as I enjoyed writing it. I also hoped you learnt a tip or two and I would love to hear what you learnt throughout the year. 

Wishing you all the most amazing 2016! 

Love always

Kerrie x  

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